So the stars were less than glorious and the mosquitoes vociferous. I’ve got little nibbles on my fingers that make typing itchy. It’s like punishment for a pitiful sin. Ian came over while Gavool and I were talking. The lovely Shaw had planted the thought of the meteors in my head. Hours and hours later I brought it up as a good idea. Our thought was to hit Wreck Beach as the least light polluted place in the city, but we ended up on Burnaby Mountain. Victoria, Kyle, and some of his friends had already planned to meet up there for 11. *grinning* But a simple thing to hop on that bandwagon. We nabbed food, which became extra bonus as it turns out Kyle had made a pan of death brownies. His friends bowed out fairly early, and Ian left around 12:30. As it seems that Pacific Spirit Park closes around 1, we drove our way up the mountain when the police booted us all out. Either that or get towed, right? So up on Burnaby mountain there’s this field called Lot 5. It’s been there for years. Just a random field sort of tucked away in a large circle of trees for no known reason. The theory says they were planning on putting residentials in, but they just never got around to it. As a result, it’s a wide open space full of deep ruts hidden by long grass and patches of spiky rocks. Also full of mosquitoes. Evil mosquitoes. Mosquitoes ripe for killing because they’re re-incarnated shreds of S.S. souls. We discovered this after almost breaking our ankles attempting to manoeuvre the field and giving up to spread out blankets on the pointy rocks. At first we all lie separately, but it became obvious that huddling against the invading whining army was the best plan of action. Kyle, Victoria, and I curled mobius strip and tried to watch the sky. Instead we just lie and talked. Life, love, the idiocies and vagaries of powerful children. The peak was to be two, but there was no noticeable difference. Tiny streaks of light, not even leaving proper trails behind them. The most impressive flare of the night was seen while we were still at the park.
when friends love eachother, it’s important
Wished Gavin were there, the four of us tossing evil rocks away so we could lie without dying and using eachother as cuddly pillows. It would have been sweet to try and hear his lisp through the heat of his belly. *smiling* Hanging out with Kyle and Victoria makes me occasionally extra happy as there are aspects very bittersweet. I think in many ways we’re similar, but not quite. I feel somehow that it’s like watching a young happy version of myself that never had a chance to exist. They attack eachother all the time and are obviously simply in love. Kyles trying to get Victoria to sign a contract for thier one year anniversary that states that he’s allowed to kill her and mutilate the body in any way he does so choose and as she’s signed the paper, it’s to be thought of as suicide. He’s got it all written up. It’s awfully sweet. We were left alone in the car for a few minutes while she dropped something off quick in the school. Kyle was curled up backwards on the front seat and I was slouched with my feet up against the back of it. He said, “as much as I talk about it, I don’t want her to die yet.” I said “I know. It’s always the next time you see her. You should always kill her the next time.” And he looked up at me just happy for a moment, “yes, and I don’t know what it is quite” “It’s a declaration of need, Kyle, the sweetest thing there is” He tilted his head over, “I’m not allowed to say that, I can’t do it.” “Yeah – I’m good at that. I always say those” “You do and yet you stay independant. It should be illegal. You have your cake and eat it too.” At which point Victoria came back and conversation shifted. Ten minutes later, stepping into the 7-11 at the foot of the mountain, I met Kyles eyes and held them as he held the door open. Walking in, I said “It’s no fun if you have your cake and can’t lick the icing”