
Damnit! What is with men and the word “baby”? I do not understand. I’m beginning to suspect it’s an age thing. Somewhere in the formative years of currently middle-thirty boys the word sank into thier vocabulary irretrievably. If it keeps up I’m going to lose my favourite game. I’ll end up being caught myself. Suddenly the word ‘baby’ will be used outside of sarcastic context. I’ll step up to someone and it will slip from my lips without the ironic inflection. Then what? I’m one of THEM. Bastards.

So William is off covering the Republican Massacre down in New York this week. He should be posting pictures soon. I really think everyone should be keeping an eye on this. It seems like a pivotal point right now, things could swing either way depending on how this goes. Old boys are chuckling to themselves in little rooms and erasing the upoming election. Bad news. It’s a toss up if rioting will happen, though it seems like one is being engineered. William’s saying Dante Street. Bad enough that the current government is pushing for purely electronic voting on machines that are proven to be easy to tamper with. Not, of course, that it would even be needed. They did a good enough job shoving the vote over to where they wanted without pressing a few buttons. Heard about how a few thousand New Yorkers were also listed to vote in Florida? Highly illegal but only caught a few weeks ago because “they don’t check voting rolls across state lines”. Extra nice that it was Florida, I thought. Votes went down for people that never left thier state. You’d think the media would have something more to say that a tiny paragraph on page fifty-three. Course, instead of covering the bill that allows the US Government to postpone the election if ‘a threat to national security is discovered’, they flare up with propaganda for the gay marriage issue. So much for them.  Enough of this and  I won’t want to live so close to a WWII Germany. I already want to live in Europe, more reasons to leave are a fourty-five minute drive away.

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