The architecture is brick homes built too close together.

everyday people
Originally uploaded by Foxtongue.

My friends page flaunts its rockstar status today as coffeeshakes, theremina, kylecassidy, and evi_13thchild all spill about thier lovely time as photographers at the NIN/Dresden Dolls show last night.

In other news, the piano man may have been identified. I’ve been enthralled with the story, it’s given me a magic rush of wonder and joy. I want to hear him play, I want a recording of his fingers on the keys. There’s not a lot to make me genuinely happy lately but this? This has been a heartbeat to hold me still in one thundering clap.

(Then again, there’s the antitheses, the man in Holland who skinned his mother. He was seen directing traffic in her skin and dressed in one of her dresses as he recited texts from the Bible. That’s as wondrous, but the damned other direction.)

Last night was the first lightning storm of the year. The first I’ve seen since taking Gavin out of Calgary almost a year ago. I stood on the Burrard street bridge in soaking Italia rain and drank with my eyes. How time spreads it’s wings over me, it’s a little scary. How will I feel about this in a year? Last year this time it was like the stars were descending and bathing me in silver light and now I’m subtly changed again. This happens all the time, but how often do I notice? Going home was good for me. I found that I knew the streets better than my own life lines, that I was dancing without thinking about it when I stopped for a red light. People tried to give me change when I was waiting for the subway to lightly rumble into station. They gave me change. They gave me conversation and their smiles. The air is different there, like it’s different in L.A. It’s not the pollution count or the change in greenery, either. It’s something more to do with how I taste places, how Los Angeles carries an unidentifiable sheen of new product scent, like every bit of cloth you’ve ever bought from a store before washing has been atomized and sent into the sky, but Toronto has a satisfaction to it, like the buildings are self aware and content with the creatures that scurry around thier solid rectangle feet.

  • 404 baby
  • 404 blackhole

    I wonder at myself, that I have been living half in memory this whole month.