This nerdgasm is for Katie and Maddie and Kyle.
Chris Cunningham has reached a point where I’m not sure that he’s famous for what he produces or is simply famous for being Chris Cunningham. He’s got a new video out, his first in seven years, Sheena is a Parasite, for the Horrors, and it’s an anticlimactic come-back for such a cutting-edge director. Apparently, Cunningham first hooked up with the band via MySpace. Low budget, frenetic, and nothing we haven’t seen him already do better elsewhere. (See: Rubber Johnny). I’m disappointed, but likely not as much as real fans might be. He’s always been a wave riding to nowhere for me. A hat full of tricks with a hollow bottom. Me, I want to be Mark Romanek in my next life.
Genetically Modified germ spray could keep dentist at bay.
I know this odd boy, Newton, who usually lives in NZ. We met in highschool, and he’s one of the few people I’m still in touch with, mostly because he keeps in touch with me. I talked to him today, he’s back on his yearly visit back to Vancouver, and found that I have nothing to say right now. My issues are all reflections of the global climate. I’m watching Isreal VS Syria develop, New Orleans funds being mis-appropriated for things like diamond rings and sex videos, and keeping tabs on the Net Neutrality issues, but have nothing of my own. I’m unemployed and single, sitting at home with a sprained ankle, and I’ve been like this for almost an entire month. If there was news, I’ve forgotten it.
Machete gang attacks a party just off Commercial Drive, severs a teenagers hand.
The Annual Mad Hatter’s Tea Party starts this weekend. “Bring a picnic blanket, a flamingo and a tasty treat to share.” This year they’ve got three different performances; Saturday July 22nd at the Burrard View Park, Saturday July 29th at Renfrew Park, and Sunday July 30th at Trout Lake Park. For those who’ve never heard of it, The Fool’s Society hosts a batch of free Alice In Wonderland themed performances where everyone is invited to come in costume. It’s a very family friendly event with enough good music and jokes to keep the adults interested, and since when did we consider ourselves grown-up’s anyways? Toot-A-Lute will be there, as well as most of the Carnival Band. Last year there was croquet, a caucus race, and various bits of delightful acting.
Scientists have defined the function of a key protein that nerve cells use to pass information quickly.