gives you confidence in doctors, doesn’t it now? reinforcing that people only see what they wish to

Gravity vanished in the pile of feathers that flew out of all of our enthusiastic pillows yesterday. It was lovely. More people were there than I expected would brave the threatening rain, (which didn’t follow through), too many people to attempt reciting names, but special shout out’s to everyone who came to Taff’s after for lemonade and cranberry ginger-ale floats. Adam has done us the joy of putting up pictures and video, (Vicki has some photographs too), and I have made a PillowFight Flashmob Flickrset.

On a related note, in that it also involves hilarity, flashmobs and photography, Patrick‘s picture of Eva and I holding hands has drawn the attention of the academic community.

This is a copy of the letter he received:

“Subject: lesbian zombie wedding.

Hi there

I’m carrying out some research for a book to be published in 2008 by Berg, Oxford. The book is called Fabrics of Desire, and one of the chapters will focus on the selections made of garments for lesbian civil partnerships. I’m interested in the ‘singular iconic and symbolic wedding dress’ and how it gets challenged anew by the possibility of ‘double brides’.

I should let you know that my partner and I celebrated our CP in September 2006, and that my interest is for genuine scholarly research. I would be happy to anonymise any information as necessary.

I noticed that you had some civil partnership images on your flickr pages and I was wondering if you could help me in any way with research for the book.

I would like to contact lesbian couples who would be willing to discuss the significance of the garments they chose, and give me some insight to how they marked their ‘special day’ through their choice of clothes.

It may be also possible that we could discuss using your images in relation to their interview if this seemed like a good idea. I would be most grateful for any help you are willing to give.

If you wish to forward my email onwards to any interested people, please feel free to do so.

I do hope that you will be able to help, and I’m really grateful for any assistance you can give me.

Many thanks

Best wishes

Dr Catherine Harper”

The picture in question, taken at the 2005 VanZombieWalk:

Lesbian Zombie Wedding

Sea Sheep is for kids, you silly rabbit


Darling Min has tagged me with The Sentence Meme. Her result was so charming, I could not resist.

photobooth 2000
Originally uploaded by Theremina.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
6. Tag five other people to do the same.

“The map does puzzle Tantivy. It cannot be put down to the usual loud-mouthed American ass-banditry, except as a fraternity-boy reflex in a vacuum, a reflex Slothrop can’t help, barking on into an empty lab, into a wormhole of echoing hallways, long after their need has vanished and the brothers gone to WW II and their chances for death. Slothrop really doesn’t like to talk about his girls: Tantivy has to steer him diplomatically, even now.”

… from Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon.

This is where instruction number 6 asks me to place five of your names in a row. However, rather than pick and prod at the lot of you, I’m going to add two favourite passages from Books I Have Never Read.

”The light changes and he has that wish again: that every step he ever took left a neon footprint. Every step, from his first to these. That way he could catch up with himself, track himself through the city and years. See that the last time he walked this block he was tipsy or in love. Here determined, there aimless like today, no particular place to go. If he could see his footprints, he’d know his uncharted territories, what was yet, and where never to return. Some of the old stores are gone since last time. What comes at their address is bright and shiny like new keys. New keys fit new locks. It is rare here that the new establishment is more downscale and if only he could make his self and ideas like real estate: ever higher. God knows he has tried to keep up with the changing market but his new shirt will only go so far- once they step inside they recognize the same old merchandise and demur. He has swept up, his brain gets so dingy sometimes, but they will not see his renovations and he is a dead trade, something remembered only by old phonebooks. Blacksmith, knife sharpener. Walk faster.”

…from The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead.

“From the sky a frail black fragment, tumbling as in a dream, drifts down to settle on my arm. Upon it, barely visible against its black, the faintest silver tracery of lines may yet be seen: a gentle curve that is perhaps a stream or else some buried lane, the clustered spidermarks that may be trees viewed from above.

It breaks against my wrist and falls to dust, caught by the wind to scatter over the cremation fields.”

… from Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore.