math is hard

70% of US federal spending reports don’t add up:

Today the Sunlight Foundation launched analysis that reveals more than $1.3 trillion in federal reporting data from 2009 is broken. These data inaccuracies account for 70 percent of the total $1.9 trillion in government spending data reported last year. Clearspending offers a critique on the reliability of data from, across three metrics–consistency, completeness and timeliness–and covers spending from 2007, 2008 and 2009.

While there has been an increase in the number of programs reporting to in the past three years, the reported data suffers from an abundance of errors, as well as problems with the data’s timeliness and completeness. Findings from Sunlight’s Clearspending show that a significant portion of the government’s data is unreliable and that has not fulfilled its legal requirement of providing the public access to accurate, timely and detailed information on how federal agencies fulfill their spending obligations.