three shots left and then it’s all over

To re-cap: In an effort to fundraise for my time in Alberta this week, I’ve been selling digital prints on commission for ten dollars each. So, in return for ten dollars, I sent a digital file large enough to be nicely printed. My pay pal address is bloodkrystal at the hot mail dotty com.


the eleventh labor
This one is for Duncan Shields, a Vancouver writer
(contributor to 365 Tomorrows) and video game animator.
beyond repair
This one went to Jason Sullivan, a microchip designer and
dabbler in AI.

almost last chance to see (yes, more digital prints)

The hour of departure continues to steadily approach. I’ve only one full day left here in Vancouver, but have I packed yet? Of course not. No, I spent my evening taking lovely pictures. You should buy some. Seriously. They’re awesome.

To re-cap: In an effort to fundraise for a short trip to Alberta the first week of December, I’ve begun selling digital prints on commission for ten dollars each. So, in return for ten dollars, I take a photo and send it as a file large enough to be printed. My pay pal address is bloodkrystal at the hot mail dotty com.


complicated faith (uncropped)
This one, a collaboration with Frank Roberts, went to
Stanislav Shalunov, SF programmer and a Director of
Engineering at BitTorrent.
comatose (one of two)
This went to Kris Millering, Seattle techie and intimidatingly
prolific writer of serial fiction.

many happy returns

unified simulation

This one, a collaboration with Frank Roberts, went as a birthday present to Michel Lacombe,
a Montreal based illustrator, comic-book artist, writer, and all around fabulous friend.

Happy birthday Michel!
Much love from Vancouver.

He’s just put up four new pages to Jesus Monkey Pants in Space. To start at the beginning, click here.

result so far: $110 and a house full of glitter

I’m still fund-raising, so I’m willing to take pictures all the way up until Friday night. (We leave Saturday morning).

To re-cap: In an effort to fundraise for a short trip to Alberta the first week of December, I’ve begun selling digital prints on commission for ten dollars each. So, in return for ten dollars, I take a photo and send it as a file large enough to be printed. My pay pal address is bloodkrystal at the hot mail dotty com.


reluctant persuasion
This went to Angela Hunt, Los Angeles writer, photographer, painter
and founder of Hunt Press.
hoist up the john b sail
This one is for Frank Roberts, a Vancouver hobby photographer and
video game IT manager.

I’m at $90 when I need to be closer to $250

The ticket’s been booked. I’m going, getting on a plane December 1st.

I’m still fund-raising though, so please feel free to take advantage of the ten dollar offer while it still stands.

To re-cap: In an effort to fundraise for a short trip to Alberta the first week of December, I’ve begun selling digital prints on commission for ten dollars each. So, in return for ten dollars, I take a photo and send it as a file large enough to be printed. My pay pal address is bloodkrystal at the hot mail dotty com.


St. James infirmary
This one went to author John Robinson, director of,
the 2006 Bloggies Winner of Best-Kept-Secret Weblog.
don't even sing about it
This one went to Stephen Smith, Canadian software tech,
writer and co-founder of 365 Tomorrows.

who wants pictures?

In an effort to fundraise for a short trip to Calgary the first week of December, I’ve begun selling digital prints on commission for ten dollars each. Want one?

So, in return for ten dollars, I take a photo and send it as a file large enough to be printed.


they tasted of honey
This one went to Duncan Shields, a Vancouver writer
(contributor to 365 Tomorrows) and video game animator.
genetic nondiscrimination
This one went to Frank Roberts, a Vancouver photo
enthusiast and video game IT manager.