The newest enchanted strip from the Secret Knots, Everything You Can Think, warns you against swallowing story seeds. Follow Juan on Tumblr for more sly drawings.
Tag: santapau
Listen to the song. Read the comic. Kiss some stranger.
The newest breath-taking treasure from The Secret Knots is Music For Stray Days, a special collaboration with The Impossible Girl AKA Kim Boekbinder!
The song in the comic, (featuring the violin strings of none other than our favourite fey, Meredith Yayanos), is available to download as a pay-what-you-want.
the stolen key, happy birthday juan, one day late
My dear friend Juan, responsible for the Secret Knots, had a birthday yesterday!
Read it, I promise it is one of the most beautiful comics you will ever see.
keep me from the storm
The newest beautiful comic in The Secret Knots is called What’s going on with you, Valerie?
the newest secret knots wore your skin last night
, the latest enigmatic update from Juan Santapau‘s sly and elegant comic, The Secret Knots.makes me think of the secret knots
The Subway Time from Dongzhen.Li.
I Came to Your Party Dressed as a Shadow
, the latest comic from The Secret Knots, in tribute to Piano Magic.updates from an earthquake, so unbelievably glad he’s okay
Check out his art at The Secret Knots.
The letter arrives as an unexpected gift, the writing inside looping with the earnest sincerity of reaching out with not much to say. Concern, care, an anecdote misremembered, a stamp very carefully picked. My reply is more dense, close packed words scribbled under pressure, hurried with the knowledge that people-are-going-to-want-my-time-any-minute-now, difficult truth compressed into just under one small page. I barely find space to sign my name. It’s a haunted torrent of words, something released under pressure, as if I’d been holding my breath, waiting for someone to say my name.
The only thing, we’ve never been at the same place at the same time.
Our friendship might be an odd one, growing as it did out of a completely chance on-line encounter, but it feels like home, spilling quarrelsome affection across the planet to someone I’ve never met, flirting, arguing about our friends, fording the unavoidable textual misunderstandings, allowing complexity to flourish long distance. (If it felt strange, I would be someone else.) He seems so familiar, I speak to locals as if he was only just here, though sometimes I wonder details, the gestures of his hands, or the way he might smile, human ingredients only available face to face, how they carry their weight through space.
(I never, for example, would have guessed at the incredible presence commanded by Steen’s hair, no matter how many pictures we might have shared.)
It occurred to me, writing my letter, this might seem strange, almost unfathomable, and yet, here I am, holding closest people who exist father away from me than the end of the sky. Among my papers are other written letters, unsent rough drafts meant for South America as well as New York, aborted confessions, cafe conversation arias scripted as short stories, she said, he said, fictional encounters, scraps of meaning as solid as mercury, certain only in that they prove I care, that I wish we were closer, that I wish I knew a better way for us to meet, as if we are kissing cousins, family unrelated, hiding, seditious accomplices rebelling against our current distant state.
heart-stopper, birthday plans
foxtongue, a breath-taking birthday present from my dear friend,
Juan Santapau, creator and president for life of The Secret Knots.
To be put into immediate effect: Cake and ice-cream this evening, my place, 6:30.