cuff off

Originally uploaded by Foxtongue.

I like that I can take decent pictures with no warning whatsoever. I like that I’ve now proven to myself that I can rig myself a decent fake studio with my table lamps and some mirrors. Nothing as special or nice as The Thought Project, but it’s enough for me. Nicole was talking about how for a period of three years, she had no pictures of herself, and I agreed that it’s a shame. I think it’s a gift to see the changes, to chart the evolution of our outsides. I sent these to her tonight, the whole set. There weren’t very many, as my camera was running out of batteries, but a handful were enough for us. This family takes a picture of themselves every year.

I have jazz playing now and I’m wondering what’s wrong with my messenger and my mail and the ferret is gamboling all over my bed in joy. (I gave him some raspberry gelati). All today I’ve been hunting through my cupboards, trying to find him something to eat, as I’m out of ferret food, and due to the rather staggered nature of guests arriving, I didn’t have an hour to drag him to the shop for his regular pellets. Tomorrow the little creature is the first thing priority. He deserves a walk outside finally, his first in months, and a visit to the park. Winter is over here, the sun shines in the day and the rains have melted away into trees of flower blossom.

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