(absolutely incredible) music download: best!


This eight-disc, 157 song mix is a survey of some of the best and most notable music from 2010. It’s fairly comprehensive, covering indie, pop, rock, punk, folk, rap, R&B, soul, dance, country, modern classical, ambient and electronic music, and in many cases, hard-to-classify genre hybrids. I inevitably had to leave out some things, but I think you’ll find that this serves as both a helpful guide to some of the year’s most exciting music and a surprisingly listenable series of mixes. Discover new stuff! Rediscover familiar artists in a new context! Jam out to ten and a half hours of world-class tunes! If you enjoy this, please do pass it on.


  • McSweeney’s: Barbie Is A Product Of her Environment.

    She’s getting off the bus at my stop, expensive fake glitter nails, under-age, for sale. What is there to do? Her laughter is harsh, a grinding thing, bright, painful. She walks to the corner, turns left to the stroll, knock off prada, juicy couture velour, industrial back alley bitchiness, swinging her availability like a weapon, something sharp with which to stop cars. Already she’s taken drugs, eyes blank, pupils huge. My walk is to the right, towards the apartment. I look up at the rain as I wait for the stop-light, the wet drops smearing my vision as it spatters on my glasses. I am invisible to her. I worry for her heart.