It’s a meme kinda day

You are The Cheshire Cat
You are The Cheshire Cat

A huge grin constantly plastered upon your face,
you never cease to amuse. You are completely
confusing and contradictory to most everyone.

What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


I don’t know this one


Which Nine Inch Nails Song Best Describes You?
brought to you by Quizilla


meh – this is why I don’t watch TV.

My LiveJournal Sitcom
muffin and condom (CBS, 2:30): porphyre (Orlando Bloom) bites starsandgarters (Ed Asner). On the other side of town, egl (Gilbert Gottfried) hits on gothicbc (Kevin Bacon)’s co-worker. Afterwards, spaz_own_joo (Ethel Merman) causes problems at work when a file from alistaire (Chevy Chase) has a virus. Soon afterwards, gothphotography (Daniel Baldwin) eats dark_images (Salma Hayek)’s raspberry cheesecake. Also, gypsydemon (Crispin Glover) draws a picture on lxpk (Jerry Lewis)’s forehead. TV-PG.
What’s Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)


pizza makes everything better – though they left out taco pizza – my favorite

A pizza for porphyre:

Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Bell Peppers, Onions, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Artichoke Hearts, Fresh Tomatoes, Arugula, Fresh Basil, Garlic Cloves, Garlic Chives, Sliced Hard-Boiled Eggs, Corn, Pepperoni, Bacon, Canadian Bacon, Sausage, Ground Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Clams, Shrimp, Basil, Oregano, Parsley, and a perfectly-baked crust.

Fun with pizza toppings at The Pizza Arbiter