Mishka, my dear mouse, is tiny. She lives in a petite body, curling to sleep so small that my hands can barely find her. She fits into my chest like a pet, her heat burning brightly. Sleep claimed her early, and me at four o’clock. We got up at seven:thirty. Re-discovering how quickly this house runs out of hot water is something I could have done without, as is that grimy feeling of putting dirty clothes on once clean, as if to say, “didn’t I wash this all off?”
I have a photoshoot when I get back into town. If anyone has any alt clothing they could lend me or make-up, it would be highly appreciated. I was asked to “Bring your own make-up, and at least 3 different outfits, if you got anything along the lines of leather/fishnets/etc please bring them.” but I don’t particularly have any of that, especially the make-up. I don’t believe I even have lipstick anymore. Not, of course, that I particularly know what to do with the stuff, but I’m sure I can hack something out once I have supplies. Even someone with me to pick some up or show the most basic application techniques would be a gift, I’m so unaccustomed to pencil greases. This would be a sooner than later sort of thing, so anything lent would be returned quickly. Also, any recommendations as to what to drag along would be fantastic.