Fifty years ago, a judge ruled that Ginsberg’s Howl was not obscene (and ergo, could be read by children in classrooms) but now?
n: vb: the spice of imagination
Also! Heathens! Theatre Under the Gun is this weekend! Tonight and tomorrow night!
Come be educated in the glory that is 48 hour theatre! Teams are given inspiration packages containing a prop, a sound bite, a line donated from a famous playwright, and a picture. Overnight, these elements must be tightly woven together into a performance, because the very next day? They perform!
It sounds a little flaky, but honestly, it’s terrific. Some of the shows Theatre Under the Gun has produced have been some of the best performances I’ve ever seen. I still, quite badly, want the surreal birthday short to be teased out into an entire production. It had a depressed french clown, a box full of “dead” kittens, and a woman who used a whip to crack the candle on her chocolate cake. I would go every night. It even beat out John Murphy having sex with a plant.
It’s $12 tickets or $20 for both nights.
from Mike‘s mailing-list, links mine:
“Do you enjoy the Showtime original program “Weeds“? Well guess what? This week’s episode will feature the song Buttmachine. Episode airs this Monday, October 8th. We all win!”
More tour dates have been added! Check if he’s playing near you!
EDIT: alright, naughty pirate that I am, that made me embarassingly happy.