menagerie deadalive

So! New additions to the household today on my Gavools last day. A dead wren in the freezer and a live crow on the porch. Poor thing’s too young to fly and has twisted a foot falling from the tree. Anyone know how to care for a crow? Anyone want one? He, well, I call him a he, though I certainly don’t know, is surprisingly good when handled. He can’t perch for his foot, but is quite cuddly for something wild.

We were just out for dinner with Domnique. He leaves tomorrow, first thing.

his voice through the window of the apartment

Well, this is it. Last day. *grinning wicked* It’s been a time. I think we’ll keep eachother. If he doesn’t watch out, when I hit my settlement, I’ll commision him. Triptych: You, I, and us. Then, now, and capture my youth boy-oh or perish. He’s on the phone right now, seeing to arrangements. He’s flying stand-by. Ian is kind enough to drive us out there. The bed will empty and I won’t be sleeping over anywhere for awhile. This Saturday is Illuminaires and I know I’ll feel sad at the fireworks. Lost in trying to keep your face darling.


Off to morning coffee.