media links of the day

 Five terrible fake Eve Ensler plays

  1. The Fallopian Follies
  2. The Clitoris Cycle
  3. An Evening Inside My Cervix
  4. The Ovary Improvisations
  5. Chattin’ with My Labia


Artist of the Day : Daniel Martin Diaz

Iconography with a dark heart twist. Eyes upward saints that look sweet enough to french kiss. Oil painted dolls of religious frame, hopeless and wishful thinking, crowned and incomplete. These are paintings that deserve to be set in a house with dark red walls.

irony like spoons

is empty

 is a testment

“inlove” belongs to   and is suspended

 is a couple together filled with mashnotes

 is a couple together filled with daily life

  is a member of

 has only 21 friends

 has 8

userinfolovelorn is about obsessional relationships complete with checklist

is simply and only puzzles and delights for the mind

 is a teengirl with nothing in it

 has been suspended as is

 however has been deleted and purged

so has


 is friendless yet posts stylish pictures and lonely only has one memory


and ? ‘s a goth. 

two months when a girl is seventeen is what exactly?

It’s late at night, almost four. Almost early. Too many nights bleeding into too many days. Sometimes I think my hours are razorblades lining up to be knocked over like rusty dominoes. Almost pretty shiny things but not anything you would want to grab a handful of. Could cut yourself on the sunshine, on the rain, on the chance meetings and hours of being stood up again. Soaking wet silk unfurling rivulets of colour to stain. To dye.

Counting down days by people.

I know Ray for five years now officially. This is the week we met because it was the week that Brenda had died the year before. I stayed up all night with a green candle in the trailor with him and the giant white birds in thier cages. We threw skittles in the air for us to catch with our mouths, so we met I think on the 3rd. The day I came back from Hope Week was the 7th. On the 7th was the party for Brenda. Block party where she used to live down on Odlum, (not a block from where Placebo was), and that’s where I picked up Nathaniel. Gold long hair and drunk. Drunk was useful. I was to go home with Mishka but I told her to go without me in spite of the fact that she might get in trouble and I knew I would. Gord sat and stared blankly, not understanding the subtexts and I walked off with Nate and Taf, who I don’t believe I’ve ever seen again. A week later almost to the day Gavin walked out on the shared porch to find me attempting a poker face while wrapped in a sheet, “looking exactly a Bottecelli Venus”. That day started the exchange of chocolate and ideas. One Wednesday before I was with tall him but after he’d moved out was Megans birthday where we dressed like goths and took pictures in the graveyard. Ray Zipp was there and Ray Fry, a boy Megan involved herself with briefly. Ray Zipp I think tried to involve himself with me but there was some odd communication issues. Megans birthday is the 25th and I remember dropping by the house to get things and finding Nathanial looking like a burnt out angel on the couch asleep, so that means that pretty, skinny Gavin and I didn’t get together until just before September because it was that week that I had nowhere to stay for three days and Nate brought home.. damn – girls name. Has an A? Looked like me but somehow not. Our descriptions would match. Very feminine. I wrote down when I painfully hid into Lidd, the night out we wandered with Ian and Wolfie and I did my clumsy seduction into his being mine after only knowing him a week because I simply couldn’t bear the thought of Gavin leaving. (One day I’ll forgive myself of seventeen, but not yet). So if Gavin left the week of the 18th, he left town the 23rd because that was the Sat, so I saw him last the 22nd. Which leaves me to say we were likely together for only two months.

This is how I remember. When there’s no-one around I cease to exist. I can’t remember that day, it held no importance.  I paraphrased a poem the other day to Ethan. From Grendels mother. I can’t remember where I read it, but I’m sure it’s on my shelf. I like my words though, I like what I came up with.

I come to this hall full of bloodshed

to take back my sons flesh and bone

they are not yours, they are mine

I made them

I screamed as they came out of me

I scream as I take them back

If you wanted peace

You had only to ask



Presented by Eye of Newt/Rumble Productions/Radix
Theatre/Celluloid Drugstore
Friday through Sunday, September 3, 4, 5 at 8:15 pm
Grandview Park, Commercial Drive at William Street
Tickets: Free
Info: 604.662.3395

Do a little something different this
Labour Day weekend ­ stroll into Commercial Drive’s
Grandview Park for the 4th annual Silent Summer
Nights, three glorious evenings of the best in silent
(and not so silent) film. Park your blanket under the
stars and enjoy a selection of cinema’s “Great
Showdowns,” all to the thrilling accompaniment of
original live music by Eye of Newt and invited guests.

A Labour Day classic.

Friday, September 3 ­ Modern Times.  This
classic is suitable for Chaplin fans of all ages.
Featuring live accompaniment by Pepe Danza
(percussion), Chris Kelly (saxophone and laptop),
Stefan Smulovitz (viola and laptop) and Brad Turner

Saturday, September 4 ­ Trinity is Still
My Name.  Saddle-up for this Spaghetti Western/Live
Improv spoof of Clint Eastwood-style outlaw flicks.
Featuring live accompaniment by Brad Muirhead
(trombone), Ben Wilson (drums & electronics), Jesse
Zubot (violin) and dialogue by The SSN Voice-Over

Sunday, September 5 ­ Enter the Dragon.  A
classic martial arts movie of grace and timelessness
with a sensational new live score conducted by Coat
Cooke and surprise guests and performed by the SSN
Monster Orchestra.

I suppose goodbye to granny Eileen

I arrived slightly late to the funeral. The church seemed very empty, but there were one or two rows full. There were people there I didn’t expect to see. Plus, well – the whole religion thing. Whoo-ee. Weirdness. It would have been interesting anthropologically if I’d been able to take notes. As it was, it was things with cups and too much standing. I almost went up to get the cracker, but thought to myself that, well, I could do that any time. I had to choke back a laugh when I found out that transubstiation has a sound effect. *chuckles* And to see the man in the dress step up with the tall stick with the cross on top? Well one day back in high school my friend Charles and I were both running late and ended up on the same bus. Instead of going straight to the school, we tried to get into a church that was on the way. The doors were ALWAYS locked but for the exception of this morning. So, being the people we were, we went inside. In fact, the place was empty. We ended up in the rooms behind the alter. There were all sorts of odd “holy” things – robes and chalices and one of the sticks. I took the stick with me to school. Charles was slightly scandelized – his mother being devout enough to douse people with holy water when they first visit. This 7 foot tall jesus stick. Borrowed it for the day and brought it to all my classes. I pictured Gavin for a moment standing beside me in the church then threw it away as improbable. Far more likely that he would still be at home on such a cold rainy day keeping the bed warm for me. It was all a bit strange. My mother was just as baffled as I was about what we were to be doing there. Made me glad to know she doesn’t know how to dress for such things either. We kept looking at eachother and trying not to snicker a bit at the jesusmans ruinous microphone. A woman got up to recite her poem about Eileens death. I wrote a poem to express my loss” Simultaneous *exchange looks* uh-oh. We looked at eachother and held hands. It was sort of painful. The whole thing was a bit like that. I made her swallow a laugh when I winked at her. Priesty boy with his constant mis-pronounciation of Eileens name and the continous praying to ‘our saviour and god be with and god that”. Repititious, tiresome and strange. Old people bent white haired murmering the words along with the amplified recording. People kneeling at shiny cups and never ending requests of “everyone please rise to pray” I arrived a tiny bit late, but I have a suspician that everything was done three times.

Artist of the day:Lodger TV The link is to a short music video. I especially like the smoothness in the animation style. It’s slighty trite but it makes up for it with examples of sweet imagination. My favorite piece is the conception. The rest of the site is equally clever. found thanks to spaz_own_joo

nothing in particular

Today Serena and I went out for breakfast. Her for food, me for the walk and company. We brought Skatia and that went well. The children in the park flocked to visit with him. I was trailed by 15 children, “cannai hold em?”, looking like a pied piper with a four-legged furry analog for a flute.

Ran into Ryan on my way home. He’s dashingly cute. Wish I could wrap him in hand painted silks and give him to Mishka. If only the world would work that way, hey? Cause really – what would I do with him? *laughter*

I’m burning the CDs for Joseph. He’d better get back ahold of me with his address or Sophie will have nowhere to take them.

Tomorrow is granny Eileens funeral.

just sort of happy right now

I love talking on the phone with Victoria. As a general rule I’ve lost the knack, but we burble on like laughing water.  This is not really happening. How is it I know such wonderful people?

*wild happy laughter*

I’m meeting her and Kyle and Dan and… people.. at the beach for fireworks. The directions so far are terrible, but I think I’ll manage. I won’t be getting there late this night and so will have a chance to yell a bit. That projection coming in handy finally.

Missed my Gavool on-line today, but it was because I was dawdling in the art shop getting something for James, so I feel forgiven. I suppose I’ll drop it off on one of my random two a.m. attempts to find him home. Course, if I run into the fellow who stood me up, I will forgive him too. I will laugh at him hard. He strikes me as the sort of abashedly join in and offer to share some gelati as apology.

The ferret darling is wandering the apartment. I should go see where he’s tucked himself.


So the gentleman forgot. I was a stood up black birdie perched in an unfamiliar coffeeshop for an hour. I like it there though, it’s all polite italian men and quiet civility. The 80’s music was extremely incongruous, but that only furthers my appreciation.