I laugh at myself, but I’m still confused

It’s sunday and I can hear my watch ticking the seconds past. People start coming over 6pm for the party. Depending on who comes, it’s going to be an odd crowd. The age spectrum on my friends alone will create some interesting patterns of interaction. *laughter* The ever present oddity of the social situations makes me happy in spite of the awkward.

Last night I went to Drag King Roller-skating with Beth. I’d forgotten how much effort there is involved, my lungs felt full. Supreme fun. I put on the fairy wings and dressed girly and moved boyish and it was great. Confused the hell out of people again. Yay! An acquaintance of mine was there who double-taked to find me at Dyke Night. I know that this news is going to go straight to a friend of mine who I denied being a lesbian to. It’s going to be interesting and lots of laughs when it hits all the way back to me. I tell people about Gavool and the news slips from their brain as if I never said anything so it’s more than possible that I’m going to end up a lesbian again to a group of people. It sways.

One of them as on-line last night, but he knows better. Plus, he was pissed off at his girlfriend. He’s never actually had one before, all his experience is with one nighter, two nighters and so.. get this.. he’s never dealt with a menstruating woman before. *chuckles* Guess what? She’s a “don’t touch me!” type around now. She’s also the kind of radical feminist I would like to hit over the head with a rock. *sighs* I had a long three hour chat with him that made me feel oh so much older than I actually am. It makes me feel weird a bit, like I shouldn’t have more knowledge of people. “No – you don’t get it. She’s on blood, so she NEEDS something. She may not even KNOW” “Of course she’d know” “NO SHE WOULDN’T” Arguing him out of stupidly lashing out from being hurt. I’m uncertain how comfortable I am knowing more. Pulling experience out of a hat when you’re my age? My head says that’s SO not allowed. I think in part it’s not so much because I’ve been in relationships so much as I’ve been in them with people who’ve had lots of them. *flutter* All those experienced older men.. *smirks*

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