I need to be loved, but not wanted?

I love Tom Waits’ whiskey enunciation. “Thought you shaid you’d meet me hat heartattack and vhine” Something about  an underslur there, a slushy sound that would be ugly in a drunk at the bar. He’d grab your arm and call you “sushalille bitch” with his 30 proof breath, but the way it’s sung hits like an old memory of a sunny day where it felt like it was raining. It’s music to paint my nails to.

Ran into Ada today while Gavin and I were out on the Drive. I think he’s warmed to the idea of living there. Friendly people coming up and talking with us helped. The house we went to look at had been rented already, but it’s going to stay slightly memorable because I had to inform the people inside that I didn’t know them before they stopped trying to invite us in for tea. Gelati at Grandview park was nicer though. Sitting and chatting about nothing and everyone. The topic of the day seemed to be obsession, and that’s always thing to talk about when I have a Garden.

(damn thing needs weeding)