golden, like his eyes

I’ve been talking with Dominique for hours now. We’ve been talking about relationships and sexuality. The logic and the frailty of both. The final words and ultimatums that seem to be the male hallmark in our relative experiences. We’re laughing a lot, and trying to explain ourselves. I think she’s doing better than I am. The fact that I’m not someone who thinks on these things makes me feel like I’m carrying around a lock of hair from a stranger and trying to weave significance about it.

run down and I gave him a wave

Just a note – Dolly Parton covering Collective Soul is a very wierd thing. I can’t help but like her somehow for this quote “Honey – it costs a lot to look this cheap!”

I nabbed some X-rays from the clinic when I was there yesterday with Robin. I’m not going to keep them all, so if anyone finds one on thier doorstep, it’s because I care. Well, that and maybe I think you’re creative enough to do something neat with it. Maybe. *grinning*


I was late picking up Robin. I’d walked over to Superstore to pick up a roll I’d forgotten about and to drop off five more. It took an hour of flipping through envelopes before I simply gave up. We searched thier entire collection of photos and we couldn’t find mine at all. I’ll be a bit upset if the roll is missing, but I suppose there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t have any idea what could be on it. I’m worried it might be my long lost roll from San Fransisco, but I think that’s holding on to a dream a bit too much. I’m more than certain that was left in the truck that brought me back. I suppose I’m just concerned that I’ve lost something precious, but really – stupidity. In a week I’ll get back more. (One of the B&W is in there by the by).

After the clinic, we shot down to Gastown to give Gavin his housekeys and in walking back to the train, we found out it was Storyeums first day open. So, hey! Free day! The set-up was scary good. I was possible to smell the money that must have gone in. The flow from room to room was wonderfully jarring until near the end. There was a gratuitous song and dance I could have done without and not enough places to sit down. Michael was working, so I gave him a hug. His contract runs out Wednesday. From the look of things, he’s done a wonderful job. So kudos Mike! It’s not your fault the end sequence was flaky. Every schoolchild in the lower mainland is going to file through there at least once.

Almost more memorable was the fellow who stopped dead in the street upon seeing me. I haven’t the slightest clue who he is. He was walking down Water street in the other direction from us, and simply got caught somehow. Average looking young man, with longish dark hair in a ponytail. He turned as we passed and followed along a few feet, almost walking into people from not looking where he was going. I looked behind and he was still standing, staring from a half block away.

only five??

I’ve been waking shivering frozen the past few days. The tattered rag of a blanket I sleep under right now isn’t warm enough for the very early morning. Prospero helps, but I’m beginning to curse every morning woken cold. The after-the-rain smell drifting through the windows is nice, but doesn’t forgive anything. I need an actual cover. That’s the thing I forgot to ask after when Ray and I were out last night. We moved the big stuff from Adrians last night and apparently just missed Jon. A pity, but an extra pity as I don’t know anyone bigger than Jon and more capable of hauling heavy things up stairs. *laughs* He left a note with his number on though, so I called him after we came back from Wazubis. He’s going to come visit at the new place sometime later this week. Which is a lovely thought, as I miss my Flirt. Having yet another friend person around who hasn’t been addicted to my ‘personality’ can only be a blessing. I think it would bump the number up to… five? *shakes head at self* <rant>Damn sexual people. Growl. I’m not like you! Okay, yes, I am young, and still a child, and so can truly not say never, but for this now, I will never search that out. Stop inflicting your expectations upon me!</rant>

Just sent a nice long letter back to Jeff. I’ve said we’re to take pictures of us folk about town and post or send them to him. So! You people with digicams! We have a project! I hope he’s having a really great time over there. Marc and I are vehemently hoping he finds someone lovely. I can’t imagine what it must be like. I woke up this morning with a messenger window up from him that only had *poke* in it. I think I’m going to set up a time for me to stay up so we may chat. Otherwise, sheer chance just isn’t likely to cut it.